What’s a Commonplace Notebook?
A commonplace notebook is a collection of quotes, ideas, images, and so much more. Regular revisits to this page and to my physical notebook provide fodder for my creative energy.
[Highlights] A Wrinkle in Time
On being neurodivergent and having to mask “You’re good in school. Everybody likes you.” “For all the most unimportant reasons,” Calvin said. “There hasn’t been anybody, anybody in the world I could talk to. Sure, I can function on the same level as everybody else, I can hold myself down, but it isn’t me.” A…
[Highlights] A Young People’s History of the United States
On the history of choosing violence Jamestown, Virginia, was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. It was built inside a territory governed by an Indian chief named Powhatan. He watched the English settle on his land but did not attack. In 1607, Powhatan spoke to John Smith, one of the leaders at ……